Wednesday, July 22, 2009

To the Airport, Dallas, Argentina

Elder Stapley was up early today packing the rest of his bags. We rolled his white shirts and packed them carefully in hope of minimizing the wrinkles. Scott and I (his mom) agreed that wrinkles are probably inevitable. With the final zippering of the pieces of luggage and a good bye to his room and house we were off to the airport with Dad, myself (Mom) Seth, Sarah, Sam, Steve, Sterling and of course Scott. Check in went very smoothly and we found a group of seats by the securtiy checkpoint to sit in for the hour wait until we sent Elder Stapley down the ramp through the security. Except for Sterling throwing up his bottle all over me, we had a very enjoyable time laughing, taking pictures, giving last minute advice to Scott, and then at 10:45 he gathered his bags and gave us last hugs. I (Mom) decided I would not resort to crying. It was truly a joyous moment but full of emotion. Elder Stapley kept it together very gracefully and calmly. I know he is so looking forward to the next 2 years. We love you Scott. The little ones already say "I miss Scott." We were able to watch his silver American Airline airplane take off. We watched it atop the parking garage. That was truly a great way to see him off.

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